Ez-E and Rebs, two relatively new coworkers and friends convinced me to do the American Idol contest with them. Needless to say, we were nut-cases for the following 24 hours. Our song of choice was "Take Me or Leave Me" from the musical "Rent". Not the easiest song, but one we all knew and had the most charisma practicing together.
Thursday night we're at Provocatur for our holiday party. NER-VOUS. Singing is something that people get made fun of and something that can easily be humiliating. American Idol probably withholds many more people's interest throughout their audition process. 'Nuff said. I really can't think of how to describe how nervous I was as soon as they put a mic into my hand. First of all, we did not practice with mic's and I was not ready to hear my voice through speakers for the first time AS I PERFORM.. and I wasn't going to be plugging my ear Mariah Carey style to see if I was on pitch. After a woman from Peanuts sang an on-pitch version of "At Last", we just had to wing it.
Every compliment, encouraging statement, piece of performance advice went soaring out the Provocatur windows. I don't remember much of the performance. Just that my body was shaking and the entire time I felt off pitch.
Towards the end of the party, Big Man was speaking to the company before our iPad raffle.
"and then 'someone' said.. 'Why don't we get everyone iPads?'.. so you're all going home with an iPad tonight." The place went NUTS.
Guarantee that my Big Man is better than your Big Man unless your Big Man is a Big Woman named Oprah.
It's been a year since I've been home in LA. In three days I will be reunited with my soil and the core of my heart.. my friends.
The holiday spirit is definitely in the air I'm breathing.