It's been a while since I've shared updates in my social life, and boy do I have things to catch you up on. After booking the European Fall/Winter 2010 Givenchy campaign (!!!), Model Jon fled back to Los Angeles, leaving Tal and I to ourselves, with many many changes to come.
Many have their own viewpoint on my rapidly growing relationship with Tal, but only few will ever understand. As mentioned in the previous entry about Bro, Tal is part of my soul family and I am nothing less than 100% confident.
Talibobz and I now reside in Manhattan together, and we are loving every second of it. And if we didn't, that would be tough shit, because we have no choice but to be together every second. Unless we are sleeping. Which I was banned from doing with her due to ferocious movements caused by chaotic dreams on my end.
Work has brought many new exciting opporunities as the Junior Marketing Coordinator. I was currently given a few projects in the Marketing Department. One of which involves a script with a few well-known actors and actresses and hopefully we can incorporate one of our brands into this movie. I am so excited!
Model Jon returns at the end of the month, and I am anxiously awaiting his arrival. Love The J.
My goal for the summer is to create unforgettable memories and accomplishments that I can hold close to myself and share with the world.
Hello, Summer 2010. How are ya?