Everyone told me that it wouldn't be financially easy to live in Manhattan... they were right. Even though it is a personal issue, a lot of people understand. Money is tight, people. It's different from when I was rent-free living in Fashionaunta's house. I was able to spend money on luxury things, and in a sense, really didn't have to worry. But you pay a price when you choose to "flee from the nest" as DattyFatty would say.
It's interesting to me. I'm sitting here wondering when I won't have to worry about these things, when I'll be able to feel comfortable again. Sometimes it stresses me out, and sometimes I think about how one day I will be laughing about this, or sharing this entire experience later in my life with someone who is going through the same thing.
Talibobz has brought the term "Remember the time.." into my life. We use it on the regular. Even to remember something that happened minutes, hours, or even a day ago. I can't wait to remember this time and look back on how I made it, even though it was stressful. As stressful as it may be, I am living this life where I am always happy. I can truly say that as an individual.. I am happy. And I have my friends and family to thank for that. (Yes, West Coast, that includes you people too.)
I love the people in my life. They are the reason I am able to be where I am now. I am very lucky.. even when I'm broke as f$%k. But at least I have cute clothes.
XXO- Fashionieceta.