Friday, February 4, 2011

'A Piece of Mine' by Azad Right

I could sit here and talk about Azad until I'm sick of my own voice. I'm honored to call him my friend because I value surrounding myself with talented, motivated people who love and believe in what they do. 

Ever since I've known Azad, he's been making music. I have followed his progress and seen him grow into a truly amazing artist that leaves me speechless on frequent accounts. His music is my therapy. It's blunt and brilliant, which makes it invigorating. And it's not like anything I've heard. If you look at my iPod, or step into my cubicle at work, my apartment, I'm playing his music.

Not only do I want to see him deservingly succeed, but I would love for his music to have the same affect as it does for me, on others. 

The 6 track EP 'A Piece of Mine' was produced by Model Jon (Jonathan Marquez) and Professor O.
Follow this trio of talent on Twitter @AzadRight @BeatsByJon @IamProfessorO to stay updated on them.

Get a video preview/taste of my all-time favorite track 'A.Z.A.D'

"i let my Anna Kournikova do the AKin'" 

Fo Fi' Zads. You make me proud. 1Luh

