Saturday, October 13, 2012


Bringing the 'fashion' back to the 'nieceta'. 
I am really feeling my new Virgin Liberation (VRGN LA) shirt.

For starters, anything black with gold embellishments belongs in my closet. This shirt is bossy for a few reasons- it has gold V pins at the edge of the collar matching the gold buttons in the front of the shirt. It's long sleeved and sheer with heart cut outs in the back, making it sophisticated, sexy, and flirty. It's long, so it's perfect with a pair of black leggings, and last but certainly not least- we all live for the pieces you can dress up and down and take from day to night. I can rock this at work, out to lunch on the weekend with a friend, or when I go out at night. 

Shout out to my long time friends Jesse and Kienan for this brilliant top and keeping me rooted from a distance. XXO

Photography by Tessa Abrahams. 
