Thursday, February 25, 2010

Love Britney Fanatics!!!

Wow, Britney fans!!! Candie's Brand got an additional 1,000 followers on Twitter this past Friday. The agreement with @candiesbrand was if we reached 3,000 followers by the end of the day, we would release a behind the scenes photo from Britney's Terry Richardson shoot. Candie's DID get their 1,000 followers/fans, and released the picture from the Richardson shoot. A few days ago, a second picture was released due to another 1,000 people becoming @candiesbrand followers!!! Amazing. I'm so excited and super impressed! The new Candie's billboard with Brit is now up in Times Square!

Now that fashion week is over, it's back to requests and such. Yesterday I had a second meeting with CoCo and one of our newest members to Iconix, the Entertainment Coordinator, with a man from College Humor. The first meeting we had with him was more of a brainstorm. Yesterday, he came with good proposals for one of our brands. Obviously meeting with someone from College Humor means we laughed, which is always a plus in my book. I'm really looking forward to see what comes out of this collaboration.

Other than that, I got my hopes up about this east coast weather. We started reaching sunny days where the temp rose up to 40 degrees, and now we're getting hit with ANOTHER snow storm. I WANT TO START WEARING CUTE SPRING CLOTHES!!! Where are you, Spring?! Come to me.

XXO- Fashionieceta.

PS- Loving Wellison Matthews aka @welisonsuxx on Twitter! He's been promoting my blog all the way from BRAZIL! XXO.

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