Monday, June 7, 2010

Fashion Flosting

Lately, Talibobz has verbalized something that I have known for a while. Dressing for work 4 or 5 days of the week is stressful. I've resorted to choosing my outfits the night before because I value my sleep time. Some people may agree when we say that fashion is an art. Therefore, if fashion is one of your arts of choice, you know that it takes extra thought and effort. But you're not bothered by it. You enjoy it.

Back home in LA, there are a lot of terms that have been created by my friends. Some words flow, some will never make sense, and some are remixed. A few years ago, a term for "heavy chilling" was "Flosting". It was viral in my group of friends, and then somehow faded out. I have chosen to revive the word, because I think it's great. It summarizes an adjective and verb, and rolls off of your tongue with minimal effort, as well as getting the point across.

The famous quote "Beauty is pain" is the truth. Many girls give up comfort for appearance. But we are okay with making the sacrifices. From cosmetic to clothing, we do what we've gotta do.

I've created my own dynamic to fashion. It's calling Fashion Flosting. You know when you're flosting in your fashion when you have pulled something together that is prime, but also extremely comfortable. You aren't bothered by one inch of that fit and you're rocking it. It's the outfit that you pulled together last minute, but that you could wear all day and all night.

There you have it. Fashion Flosting. You dig?

XXO- Fashionieceta

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