Monday, October 5, 2009

Fashionieceta Freekend: 8

On Thursday, there was a buzz in the office around 4:45p.m. that Jay-Z was downstairs on the fourth floor with The Big Man. The man who's newest album sold 476,000 copies in its first week, put him No.1 on the Billboard album chart, with this being his 11th No. 1 album, was a four floor elevator ride away from me. Given that it was the end of the day, I was granted permission to go down to the fourth floor and lurk around until I saw The Jiggaman himself. I walked in through the glass doors of the fourth floor, and walked straight up to our impeccable receptionist, Keryn. Before I informed her of what I was really doing on the fourth floor, I checked my surroundings. (I've learned from being in New York that checking your surroundings before you speak is equivalently important to thinking before you speak because you never know who is standing within earshot around you.) Luckily enough, I spotted a very tall, white, older man sitting on the waiting couch. Instantly, I knew this was The Jiggaman's personal body guard. Fortunately enough, Keryn allowed me to man the desk for a short while. Eventually, I heard The Big Man's voice, and slowly turned around. There was Jay-Z, right in front of me. We made eye contact, smiled, and he kept walking while I kept staring. He wasn't short, but he was smaller than someone would think. He was sporting a greyish jacket, similar to the American Apparel signature hoodies, with dark blue jeans, and Timberland boots. I was muted while I observed the "Godlike", extremely well-known, and successful man only feet away from me. Once he was gone, I darted out of the office to spend the night with the Fashionieceta's favorite cousin Geri.

Friday was just simply a great day. I slept in an hour and a half later than I usually would due to the fact that I was in the city, and arrived to work at my usual time. I felt refreshed and ready to work. Pants swung by my desk and told me that I would be working on a project that I am not permitted to speak of freely at this time. At 10a.m., Pants and I left our office, and headed to another building eight blocks away from our office. Immediately, I got to work. I unraveled five cases of vitamin water, and relabeled every single one with a new label that was specially designed for the meeting that we were setting up for, and helped set up mannequins. Before I knew it, I was starving and ran out to grab some lunch. At 1:45p.m., my two best friends here on the east coast Tessa and Hannah skipped class and joined me in a look book photo shoot for this very special meeting. The shoot was outstanding and fun, and we started to get really creative with our outfits. The clothes we were wearing made me hate my current wardrobe, but hopefully soon I'll be able to snag a few of the pieces from this line! Like they say, whoever "they" are, "Time flies when you're having fun," and before I knew it, it was time for me to head back to the island for the night.

Saturday afternoon, I headed to the city. When I arrived at Tessa's, our roles were reversed. I sat on her computer while she cleaned her room. Yes, I am usually the one who cleans her room due to a minor case of OCD. I decided to video chat with my twelve year old brother, Lucas, since I don't get to see him anymore. Lucas then brought the computer downstairs and I was able to see my entire family. It was a heart-warming feeling that was much needed, and fulfilling.

It was my friend Eleni's birthday, and we had 11:30p.m. reservations at a restaurant called Lips, located in SoHo. It's referred to as the "Ultimate Drag Dining" restaurant. Our waitertress was hysterical and dressed in a black mini dress with a yellow belt, and a purple wig, with sky-rocketed confidence. We all loved it. The food was some of the best food I have had in the past two months and the show that was put on was side splitting. I don't doubt that I'll be returning for another night of fun at Lips. Tessa and I went to bed at a quarter to five.

Sunday morning, Tessa, Gigi (her roommate), and yours truly decided that we wanted a good brunch. It was such a beautiful day in NYC and we didn't mind for one second that we were walking aimlessly to a restaurant because the sun is no longer taken for granted here in The Big Apple. We wound up at Europan, where they had a restaurant set up outside. The service was unfortunately the worst service I believe I have ever experienced in my life. I was so disappointed and bothered that my day was then backed up and rushed. I do not like being rushed.

I caught the train back to Long Island and met up with my amazing Bubbie. We went straight to Fashionaunta's house from the train station where we then had a few minutes to sit and talk with Fashionaunta herself. Bubbie, Fashionaunta, and Fashionieceta- three generations in one room. I value those moments because they don't come very frequently and I always feel so at ease. The whole family attended dinner at a very upscale Italian restaurant in celebration of Bubbie's 71st birthday. Bubbalicious downed her Baybreeze, gladly leaving me as designated driver, and spending the night with her watching Desperate Housewives and then passing out.

Was that really Fashionieceta Freekend Eight?! Wow.

Until next time..

XXO- Fashionieceta.

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