As of a few days ago, Igor, our very passionate morning bus driver has seemed to have his briefs in a twist. I hopped on the bus at the last stop on Monday morning, only to find Fashionaunta informing me that she had been reamed out of the blue for her hot food in the morning. No one had complained, but he told her that people may in the future and that she needs to stop bringing it on. What's great is that no one has bothered him to tell him that he reaks of cigarettes and body odor every morning, and quite frankly, that's a little better than a bagel or oatmeal. He then drove to the city like a maniac, causing me to be unable to walk straight immediately after exiting the bus. Tuesday, Igor was our driver on the way home. This was my first experience being driven by Igor in the evening. He was a few minutes early, but everyone who usually hops on the 5:37p.m. bus seemed to be at the stop, so I didn't think anything of it. At the next stop, I noticed people starting to run and people on the bus were telling Igor that people were running to catch their ride home. He raised his voice and exclaimed "I cannot stop for them. I am on a strict schedule and I have times to meet." Then, I had to speak up. I told him he was early, and had several people agree. Four minutes later, Igor yelled at the bus and said that "he is a dispatcher and he knows the schedule." Clearly, he didn't know the evening schedule all too well. He then pulled over, pulled out a schedule, and moped in his seat for five minutes due to the fact that he had been proven wrong. Once we were "on schedule", we headed home. Once again, a crazy ride that left me nauseous. I'm really not sure what could be going on with Igor, because in over two months, this is the most uptight I have ever witnessed him being and it's very disappointing. It makes everything stressful when really, it's so light and easy. I am hoping the man does not lose his mind.
In other news, I finally have another exciting experience to share. Yesterday was kind of a big day for me. I modeled for the Spring 2010 Op look book. This time it wasn't in the conference room, it was in a real studio with real photographers. There was a white back drop, lights, and tons of clothes. (I will definitely be rocking tons of Op this upcoming season.) I was photographed jeans, t-shirts, dresses, more t-shirts, more dresses, tank tops, etc. And then, I noticed there was an entire rack of bathing suits. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I did not know that I would be getting in bathing suits and seeing this made me nothing but nervous. I knew I would have to get it together somehow, and convinced myself that this was all part of the opportunity and experience. Due to a last minute snafu, we needed a different male model. At 1:30p.m., none other than Model Jon arrived at the studio and modeled for the Op look book as well. Fashionieceta and Model Jon in a photo shoot together? Who knew? Being in a bathing suit in front of a camera and several other people was nerve wracking, but having a close friend that I'm comfortable with made the situation a little lighter. Model Jon was quick and fast, but my shots lasted for four hours. By the time we were on my last five outfits, I could feel myself fading. However, the experience in itself was so much fun and I would gladly do it again.
Another fun fact that Coco Cruton pointed out to me this morning was Joel Madden's Twitter background picture. Not only is it extremely cool that he is wearing an Op flannel, but that flannel happens to be the one that I gifted to him on set of the "Back to School" shoot in June this year, where I worked as a stylist assistant. I vividly remember our conversation about that exact shirt, and Joel then later coming to the wardrobe truck asking if he could have another in a different color. I sarcastically replied that he was bothering me, but brought him the black and blue flannel minutes later. We were bff by the end of the day.
Today it is back to the office. There is a Candie's Spring 2010 brainstorming meeting that I will be sitting in on along with everyone else on the 8th floor. If there is any juicy gossip, I will make sure to share. But, everyone must keep their mouths zipped up tight.
The weather widgit on my computer AND online said that it was going to be 70 degrees today. However, I am freezing when I step outside! I am praying endlessly for the 70th degree to rise on everyones thermometer. If not, Fashionaunta will kill me because I assured her that it would be a nice day. But I wasn't playing games, I dressed for the nice weather too. Eek!
Until next time..
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